Responses to Concerns Regarding Bob Jones Trail in San Luis Obispo

These are the official responses to the letter I submitted on behalf of members of the San Luis Obispo (SLO), California community regarding safety concerns along the Bob Jones Trail in SLO. I am very appreciative of their thoughtful, clear, and timely responses. The original letter can be found in an earlier post.

Second Response from the Assistant City Manager Stanwyck

Friday, October 16, 2020

Good morning,
As a follow-up to the previous email below, we wanted to send you additional information to ensure that residents are aware of what is occurring in their neighborhood. This week, the City coordinated an effort to provide a services forum with local government agencies and non-profit service organizations to provide information and direction to the homeless populations on available service resource programs. The flyer attached outlines the different services that are available. 

Starting Monday, October 19th, the City of San Luis Obispo will begin cleaning up the area along the Bob Jones Trail, Open Space, and the adjacent San Luis Creek and wetlands. More information regarding the outreach and the cleanup can be found in the City’s Press Release that was sent out yesterday: Outreach by Homeless Service Providers and the City of San Luis Obispo to Connect the Unsheltered with Services.

Thank you for your patience and for supporting the City’s efforts to address these challenging and significant health and safety concerns.

Shelly Stanwyck 
Assistant City Manager Community Services
City Administration
919 palm street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-3934 
T 805.781.7294

Response from City Council Member Erica Stewart

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Dear Thomas,
Thank you for your kind words and your clear message regarding the Bob Jones Trail, the encampments and behavior on the trail.

I have been in constant communication with city staff trying to learn what we can do to help those who are unhoused get to services and housing that they need, cleaning the encampment areas for public health and safety, fire concerns and managing the whole city’s COVID-19 spread. The staff have been working closely with the County, who manages many of the services necessary for the unhoused, as well as with CAPSLO and other services. I know that we will see some action very soon. 

Best wishes,

Response from SLO Fire Chief Aggson

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Mr. Gutierrez,
We appreciate the opportunity to let you know the Police and Fire Departments hear your concerns over the fires at the homeless camps throughout the community.  We are and have been actively working, with the other City Departments, towards a solution. We want to avoid any event in our city like the tragic events affecting so many communities throughout our state.

From the Police Department’s perspective, they have had their Community Action Team out patrolling the creek beds to contact and advise the homeless population of the dangers of open fires and the consequences for having them. For the past several weeks, their leadership have directed night watch patrol officers to make frequent passes through the area of the Bob Jones Trail south of Prado to LOVR and take appropriate enforcement action. We also made our Special Enforcement Team aware of the issue and they have plans to help the CAT team and Park Rangers address this issue.

The Fire Department has also actively been working towards a solution. Recently there have been several calls for service behind the Silver City Mobile Home Park on South Higuera where either SLO Fire Engine companies or the working Battalion Chief has responded.  Most are reported as smoke checks, which dispatches an engine company to investigate.  We have been successful in gaining cooperation in putting out any campfires and educating those responsible, however it remains an ongoing challenge.

I have attached the letter you provided me for Chief Smith and SLOPD Leadership to review.

As indicated in my previous reply, if you see or suspect there is an active fire or see smoke in any area of the creek bed you can report it us either by calling our non-emergency line at (805) 781-7312 or in the case of an emergency 911. You can also reach out to the neighborhood officer for the affected area through our department’s website and clicking on the Neighborhood Officer Program link.

Keith Aggson
Fire Chief
Fire Department Administration
T 805.781.7377

Response from Assistant City Manager Stanwyck

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Good evening,
Thank you for your recent email alerting the City to your concerns about your observations and concerns about the fires, trash, illegal encampments, and health and safety issues near or on the Bob Jones Trail.

We as a City share your concerns and all City Departments are coordinating a response to this challenging and unfortunate situation.  We are balancing multiple challenges to coordinate this effort. During these COVID times the parameters in which the City can respond are very prescribed and we have many service providers we need to coordinate with to address this issue. Unfortunately, cities do not receive funding for social services (which includes mental health and homelessness related services) counties do.  Our City spends over one million dollars a year of general fund monies to support homeless related services ranging from the Prado Day Center to the cleanup of illegal encampments.  Longer term, we are working actively with other cities and the County in our region to develop a more regional approach as the State and CDC have further limited what can be done during these COVID times. 

As soon as we know our schedule for addressing this issue we will let you know so that residents are aware of what is occurring in their neighborhood.

Thank you for your patience and for supporting the City’s efforts to address these challenging and significant health and safety concerns.

Shelly Stanwyck
Assistant City Manager Community Services
City Administration
919 palm street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-3934 
T 805.781.7294

Concerns Regarding Bob Jones Trail in San Luis Obispo

I sent the letter below, with 328 signatories, on Sunday October 4, 2020 to: the San Luis Obispo (SLO, California) City Council, the Community Action Team (CAT), Police Captain Smith, Fire Chief Aggson, the city rangers, the City Biologist, County District 3 office, The Tribune, and The New Times. Note the maps and references after the (328) signatures. Thank you to all who supported this effort.

Responses to the letter will be cataloged on a different post.

Cover Letter

Dear Mayor Harmon, SLO City Council, District 3 Leadership, and other SLO City Leaders,

Thank you for all the work you do to make this city an amazing place to live and work, particularly during these trying times.  However, please see the attached letter expressing extreme concern regarding ongoing unsafe behavior and unregulated camping on and near the Bob Jones Trail along the 101 in San Luis Obispo.  The 328 signatories of this letter represent community members in SLO nearest the Bob Jones Trail from the Silver City Community, the Creekside Community, the Meadows Subdivision, the Los Verdes Communities, and residences along South Higuera from Prado to LOVR as well as other supporters throughout the city.

Full Letter

Dear Mayor Harmon, SLO City Council, District 3 Leadership, and other SLO City Leaders,

We are writing to you to express extreme concern regarding ongoing unsafe behavior and unregulated camping on and near the Bob Jones Trail (BJT) along the 101 in San Luis Obispo (SLO). The camps and the associated vandalism, loitering, fires, violence, and dilapidation all along the BJT from Prado to LOVR have made the BJT unusable for its intended recreational purposes and have made that space manifestly unsafe.  While we acknowledge the heartbreaking struggles of the homeless and, in particular, the humanitarian crisis facing California and the nation in this context, we are very concerned about the systematic unregulated overnight camping along the BJT and the associated camp or cooking fires, consistent disruptive or violent confrontations at all hours, trespassing onto private land, and unsanitary conditions there.  The impact this behavior has on public safety and health raise extremely distressing concerns that negatively impact the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of SLO citizens living near that region, including the health and safety of the homeless members of our community.   Allowing unregulated camping in this area is neither a compassionate nor sustainable solution to the problem of homelessness. To allow these conditions to persist is creating a ripe environment that will lead to serious disasters such as fire or severe injury.   

Indeed, of dire concern are routine unregulated cooking or campfires, both day and night, on the BJT and the tree line near the creek. These create a persistent fire danger to the neighborhoods and businesses along South Higuera. This is an issue that has generated considerable anxiety and alarm in the wake of major fires throughout California as well as fires in our own county and town. This includes fires in the Salinas Riverbed caused by camps in Paso Robles and recent vegetation fires along the BJT itself behind the Meadows Subdivision, Creekside, and Silver City.

Signage at the Prado trailhead, as reinforced by SLO MC 12.22, indicates that there is no overnight camping, no campfires, and that people must stay on designated trails. Nevertheless, there remains a very large number of people systematically violating these directives on a daily basis: camping overnight, lighting camp or cooking fires, loitering, leaving excessive trash and waste, not respecting preservation efforts along the creek and greenbelt, and trespassing into local neighborhoods off designated trails. Semi-permanent encampments have become commonplace along the main BJT, in the open spaces, and tucked in along the tree line and creek nearest the neighborhoods. These present a huge public health risk associated with excessive garbage, drug paraphernalia, and debris resulting from extreme human interference. In addition to public safety, these activities, and those like them throughout our city, severely undermine environmental preservation efforts in these protected open space greenbelt regions along the creek both near the BJT and throughout town.

The discovery of an armed individual living on the creek near the Elks lodge in July 2020 and an attempted murder and fire behind the Creekside community in September 2020 have greatly increased concerns about security along the creek. Furthermore, at all hours, we regularly observe and encounter individuals coming up from the creek into our neighborhoods on undesignated pathways, and vice versa, often trespassing on private property. These events naturally introduce serious concerns for everyone living and doing business near the BJT and creek.  

We appreciate there are no easy solutions to this and that the issues we highlight are only a part of a systematic problem across our community.  Our intention is not to demonize the homeless nor to assert that homelessness is illegal. Rather, we are demanding that you find proactive, compassionate solutions that empower the appropriate agencies with the resources to address the concerns we have outlined.  For example, creating a managed and patrolled designated camping area near existing shelter facilities and regularly patrolling and enforcing SLO MC 12.22 in the BJT area would be a start.  

The 328 signatories of this letter represent community members in SLO nearest the BJT from the Silver City Community, the Creekside Community, the Meadows Subdivision, and the Los Verdes Communities; we also include businesses and residences along South Higuera from Prado to LOVR as well as other supporters throughout the city (see attached map after signatures).  We insist that our longstanding concerns about this threat to public health, safety, and environmental preservation are no longer ignored by the city and that tangible action is taken immediately to alleviate the situation.

Sincerely, the undersigned members of the community,

1. Thomas Gutierrez, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

2. Krista Elsey, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

3. James Wright, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

4. Karilyn Taylor, San Luis Obispo

5. Rob Schuberg, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

6. Laura Schuberg, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

7. Tonia Harrell, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

8. Keri Cartwright, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

9. Alex Haga, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

10. Kim Romero, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

11. Arlene Yost, San Luis Obispo

12. Carmi Adams, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

13. Susan Gollnick, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

14. Karen Miller, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

15. Ronald Ross, San Luis Obispo

16. Russ Gordon, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

17. Jeanie Gordon, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

18. Pamela Lee, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

19. Leslie Thomas, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

20. Kathleen Blandini, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

21. Ashley Anthony, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

22. Maggie St Vincent, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

23. Louise Matheny, Prado, San Luis Obispo

24. Krista Kiaha, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

25. Melissa Fritzen, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

26. Chelsea Ruiz, San Luis Obispo

27. Mark Lacouague, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

28. Jennifer Stokes, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

29. Cindy Frauenheim, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

30. Mark Frauenheim, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

31. Shannon Smith, Prado, San Luis Obispo

32. Laurie Hartwell, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

33. Jason Green, San Luis Obispo

34. Katie Green, San Luis Obispo

35. Marion Camacho, San Luis Obispo

36. Edward Bowie, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

37. Aimee Hoffman, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

38. Jory Hoffman, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

39. John Ozanich, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

40. Jennifer Klay, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

41. Joni Nelson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

42. Jeff Nelson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

43. Jacob Bryan, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

44. Patrick Simonsen, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

45. Roger Jump, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

46. Cheri Jump, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

47. Jack Shoulders, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

48. Jenny Karp, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

49. Ronald Kiel, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

50. Alissa Levanway, Prado, San Luis Obispo

51. Vera Gilpin, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

52. Jim Dunning, San Luis Obispo

53. Stephanie Ronca, San Luis Obispo

54. Kathy Wright, San Luis Obispo

55. David Bunch, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

56. Ron Short, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

57. Gonzalo Quiroga, San Luis Obispo

58. Patricia Short, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

59. Amanda Haynes, San Luis Obispo

60. Randy Bullock, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

61. Barbara Bullock, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

62. Rochelle Reed Smith, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

63. Glenda Humphrey, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

64. Katrina Ackerman, San Luis Obispo

65. Laurie Hartwell, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

66. Forest Joe Humphrey, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

67. Christine Carlberg, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

68. Dee Cole, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

69. Brett Nelson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

70. Douglas Hall, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

71. Lisa Schott, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

72. Jennifer Efron, San Luis Obispo

73. Cody Hartwell, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

74. Ron Leverett, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

75. Bronwyn Rafferty, San Luis Obispo

76. Julie Dyson, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

77. Norine Gibbons, San Luis Obispo

78. Constance Hasley, San Luis Obispo

79. Luis Valdes, San Luis Obispo

80. Laurie Scott, San Luis Obispo

81. Andrea LeVesque, San Luis Obispo

82. Diana Allen, San Luis Obispo

83. Suzanne Renee, San Luis Obispo

84. Kevin Dixson, San Luis Obispo

85. Jody Vollmer, San Luis Obispo

86. Randolph Krauch, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

87. Marcy Chapin, San Luis Obispo

88. Susan Layous, San Luis Obispo

89. Darlene Trower, San Luis Obispo

90. Kathryn Atkins, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

91. Kathlynne Lauterback, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

92. Shawn Harper, San Luis Obispo

93. Beth Welch, San Luis Obispo

94. Gordon Edmonds, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

95. Mary Yungman, San Luis Obispo

96. Crystal J, San Luis Obispo

97. Nadia Adam, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

98. Bob Teaford, San Luis Obispo

99. Angie Gibson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

100. Mary Yungman, San Luis Obispo

101. Ashley Channer, Prado, San Luis Obispo

102. Janiece Heaviland, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

103. C.C. McLean, San Luis Obispo

104. Liset Rivera, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

105. Michelle Tesoriero, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

106. April Mott, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

107. Paula Hausman, San Luis Obispo

108. Abram Diaz, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

109. Jeanette Kimball, San Luis Obispo

110. Georgia Ritzinger, San Luis Obispo

111. Cecilia Mortela, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

112. Gracie Tedone Manderscheid, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

113. Pam Linney, San Luis Obispo

114. Patricia Flores, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

115. Teresa Vigil, San Luis Obispo

116. Maya Orth, San Luis Obispo

117. Phillip Hasley, San Luis Obispo

118. Marian Lyon, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

119. Greg Silva, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

120. Olena Silva, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

121. Brent Rogers, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

122. Luvia Hsu, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

123. David Tschoepe, San Luis Obispo

124. Erin Kleeman, San Luis Obispo

125. Nadia Adam, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

126. Jorge Quiros, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

127. Michelle Tesoriero, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

128. Jorge Quiros, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

129. Lindsay Lepe, San Luis Obispo

130. Rauchelle Hudson, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

131. Brian Espy, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

132. Barbara LeMoine, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

133. Meredith Takken, San Luis Obispo

134. Loraine Ped, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

135. Vic Gross, San Luis Obispo

136. Ex Shefter, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

137. Louis Romero, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

138. Tammy Arlen, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

139. Nathan Smith, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

140. Jane Gillen, Prado, San Luis Obispo

141. Allan Hall, San Luis Obispo

142. Diane Pinson, San Luis Obispo

143. Vic Gross, San Luis Obispo

144. Carrie Hartford, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

145. William Maguire, San Luis Obispo

146. Manuel Power, San Luis Obispo

147. Cameron Chapman, Prado, San Luis Obispo

148. Madeline Kacsinta, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

149. Gina Joehnk, San Luis Obispo

150. Layne Smith, Prado, San Luis Obispo

151. Caleb Cross, San Luis Obispo

152. Charles Margaroli, San Luis Obispo

153. Megan Ventura, San Luis Obispo

154. Jackie Leopold, San Luis Obispo

155. Gina Joehnk, San Luis Obispo

156. Joanna Whitcher, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

157. John Seidel, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

158. Anthony Bozzano, San Luis Obispo

159. Ken Warrick, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

160. Mary Warrick, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

161. Geoffrey Lillich, Prado, San Luis Obispo

162. Dustin Bridgewater, San Luis Obispo

163. Beth James, San Luis Obispo

164. Mary Kaney Holliday, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

165. Roger York, San Luis Obispo

166. Jean St.James, San Luis Obispo

167. Ron Yukelson, San Luis Obispo

168. Kim Reed, San Luis Obispo

169. Sherrie Fabricius, San Luis Obispo

170. Ashley Channer, Prado, San Luis Obispo

171. Tony Holiday, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

172. Carol Michael, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

173. Lindsay Karaelias, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

174. Troy Hawkins, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

175. Becky Hawkins, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

176. Rachel Pickering, San Luis Obispo

177. Ann Mallon, San Luis Obispo

178. Joseph Collins, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

179. Peter Olsen, San Luis Obispo

180. Kelley Abbas, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

181. Jennifer Hilty, San Luis Obispo

182. Anne Keller, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

183. Pamela Lee, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

184. Anne keller, San Luis Obispo

185. Jason Barroca, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

186. Anne Fontenot, San Luis Obispo

187. Jennifer Walters, San Luis Obispo

188. Carolyn Weyel, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

189. Gary Weyel, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

190. Caleb Cross, San Luis Obispo

191. Darlene Ocampo, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

192. Christi Nemetz, Prado, San Luis Obispo

193. Gary Nemetz, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

194. Logan Hunter, San Luis Obispo

195. Jean Hyduchak, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

196. John Hyduchak, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

197. Christian Beall, San Luis Obispo

198. Abram Diaz, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

199. Haley Murphy, San Luis Obispo

200. Edward Conway, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

201. Anouk Novy, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

202. Robin Hayward, San Luis Obispo

203. Rachel Brown, San Luis Obispo

204. Deidre Basile, San Luis Obispo

205. Maureen Husum, San Luis Obispo

206. Rilla Betz, San Luis Obispo

207. Jennie Romer, San Luis Obispo

208. Monica Demalleville, San Luis Obispo

209. Sandy Chertok, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

210. Nathan Smith, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

211. Margarita Rivas, San Luis Obispo

212. Lynne Anderson, San Luis Obispo

213. Sean Cheney, San Luis Obispo

214. Catherine Sheel, San Luis Obispo

215. Heidi Hill, San Luis Obispo

216. Sita Ananth, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

217. Michael Berger, San Luis Obispo

218. Jennifer Walters, San Luis Obispo

219. John Mason, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

220. Martha Dubois, Prado, San Luis Obispo

221. Susan Gollnick, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

222. Teressa Donati, San Luis Obispo

223. Dan See, San Luis Obispo

224. Son Tran, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

225. Erling Smith, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

226. Joseph Donoghue, San Luis Obispo

227. Disbel Mansilla, Prado, San Luis Obispo

228. Tammy Blum, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

229. William Roberts, San Luis Obispo

230. Erling Smith, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

231. Carol Roulis, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

232. Sarah Jesernig, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

233. Paul Orton, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

234. Catherine Orton, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

235. Wendy Knight, San Luis Obispo

236. Shira Simpson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

237. Alissa Levanway, Prado, San Luis Obispo

238. Beverly Bryn, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

239. Vicente Del Rio , Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

240. Katelyn Hunter, San Luis Obispo

241. Scott Hunter, San Luis Obispo

242. Robin Grozan, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

243. Catherine Kleier, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

244. Davida Mello, Prado, San Luis Obispo

245. Clayton Miller, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

246. Annette Poole, San Luis Obispo

247. Christian Steman, San Luis Obispo

248. Kathy Sallaz, San Luis Obispo

249. April Mott, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

250. Helene Finger, San Luis Obispo

251. Caleb Anthony, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

252. Kimberly Cattaneo, Silver City, San Luis Obispo

253. Melissa Lapidus, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

254. Carrie Hartford, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

255. Warren Neal, San Luis Obispo

256. Sandra Marshall-Eminger, San Luis Obispo

257. Carmi Adams, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

258. Gale Damery, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

259. Kristen Landre, San Luis Obispo

260. Mark Frauenheim, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

261. Emilie Foster, San Luis Obispo

262. Charles Deeds, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

263. Darlene Deeds, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

264. Barbara Rosenblatt, San Luis Obispo

265. John Tuttle, San Luis Obispo

266. Lisa Hess, San Luis Obispo

267. Tyler Holley, San Luis Obispo

268. Lorraine Kraker, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

269. Robert C. Mott, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

270. Ira Nayak, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

271. Laurel Jones, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

272. Vreeland Jones, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

273. Martha Sohacki, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

274. Robin Wilson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

275. Dave Wilson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

276. Lorna Grinde, San Luis Obispo

277. Kim Ryan, San Luis Obispo

278. Peggy Dewinter, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

279. Dave Wilson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

280. Migeul Sanchez, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

281. Peggy Dewinter, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

282. Chris Clark, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

283. Brooke Kennedy, San Luis Obispo

284. Christine Moore, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

285. Kristen Sanchez, Creekside, San Luis Obispo

286. Damon Castillo, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

287. Connie Anderson, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

288. Gina Papabeis, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

289. Mary Ellen Gibson, San Luis Obispo

290. Lorie Norkus, San Luis Obispo

291. Irish Turnage, San Luis Obispo

292. Toby Turnage, San Luis Obispo

293. Pamela Lee, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

294. Patricia McCormick, San Luis Obispo

295. Jacqueline Whitesides, San Luis Obispo

296. Janet Tiffin, San Luis Obispo

297. Kristine LaFon, San Luis Obispo

298. Arlene Yost, San Luis Obispo

299. Nicolas Underhill, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

300. Eric Lillo, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

301. Jennifer Underhill, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

302. Daniel Monroe, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

303. Candy Bello, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

304. Clarence Bello, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

305. Mary Harris, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

306. Dave Cementina, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

307. Sora Kim, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

308. Kathryn Curtis, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

309. Chuck St Vincent, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

310. Eugene Kim, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

311. Sue Donaldson, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

312. Rosalind Goodin, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

313. Janet Kirk, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

314. Terre Dunivant, San Luis Obispo

315. Kristen Coyne, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

316. Don Wright, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

317. Janet Wright, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

318. Bobby Boss, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

319. Cindy Mayr, San Luis Obispo

320. Elizabeth Mehlschau Potter, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

321. Carol Graviano, San Luis Obispo

322. Dave Cementina, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

323. Sandra Marshall-Eminger, San Luis Obispo

324. Al Streder, Meadows Subdivision, San Luis Obispo

325. Barb Beckett, South Higuera, San Luis Obispo

326. John Carlberg, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

327. Danica Hergenroeder, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo

328. Christine Carlberg, Los Verdes, San Luis Obispo


Impacted SLO neighborhoods discussed in the letter.

Example camp map in southern portion of the BJT in SLO, Sept 2020.  Camps in the northern part of the BJT toward Prado and further south nearer to the LOVR/101/strawberry field trailhead area are not shown.


“Fight at SLO homeless camp ends with suspect nearly cutting off other man’s fingers, police say,” Cassandra Garibay, The Tribune, Sept 11, 20202,

“Paso Robles wants homeless camps out of riverbed — now a temporary shelter is in the works,” Lindsey Holden, The Tribune, July 17, 2020,

 “Paso Robles declares public safety emergency over state of Salinas Riverbed,” Melissa Newman, KSBY, July 19, 2019,

 “Man fired an AR-15 from SLO Creek toward Elks Lodge, police say. Now he’s in custody,” Matt Fountain, The Tribune, July 15, 2020,

 “Firefighters say Avila Fire was human-caused,” KSBY, July 24, 2020,

“Update: Paso Robles blaze 60% contained, 2 homes burned and more damaged,” Lindsey Holden, 

Kaytlyn Leslie, and Cassandra Garibay, The Tribune, June 23, 2020,

“SLO police, work crews dismantle homeless community along Bob Jones Trail,” Monica Vaughan, The Tribune, May 18, 2020,